Thursday, June 18, 2009

Like Riding A Bike

How come anytime someone thinks something should be easy to remember they will say, you know it's just like riding a bike.

Let me tell you - I forget stuff like that. It very well could be true I am from the lower half of the human gene pool but my ego would prefer not to explore that possibility.

Tonight I went for a motorcycle ride and let me tell you I was very much outside of my comfort zone. I have my license, and used to ride regularly. However, as life goes, responsibilities of kids, lessons, school and work goes I gave up that past time along with the bike.

Recently, Pat brought me Patty's old bike. Think it was for a couple of reasons, he wanted me to have a memento of Patty that I could Cherish, he knew Patty and I were talking about getting back out there once she was physically going to be able to again, and the only hobbies I seem to have these days are reading technical journals on fiber optic quality of wavefront corrections and Juan Valdez.

So, as I am getting my legs back under me, I've just ventured around town. I'm disappointed that people are not more understanding of a amateur abilities but I am doing my best to shake it off and just focus on my riding and the road.

The one thing I know I am gaining by all of this is my ability to overcome my insecurities and enjoy a little more of life than I am doing today. Now before any of my friends reading this tell me to be careful or take a safety class, let me tell you I intend to do both.

Why is it when we are young (and now I'm thinking little like elementary school age) we are not afraid to try or face anything. It is as we get older and build up all of these reasons to just settle for what we know and find a comfortable corner to sit in. If we dig back far enough, we should be able to pull out those memories of riding a bike, and the fear/thrill we had the first time we did it on our own.

There are alot of old people with young souls out there, and there are lots of bikes to be ridden.

1 comment:

Robert Crane said...

please oh please oh please be careful.

you can poke your eye out.