Monday, February 23, 2009

Now Eye See

My dog Anna gets Eye Boogies everyday. We have a routine in the morning. This is how it goes
5:50 am - Anna stands by my bed waiting for me to make movement indicating I'm ready to let her out
6:00 am - Alarm goes off, so Anna is now running back and forth between my bedroom and the back door waiting to be let out
6:15 am - Anna comes in and races down stairs to eat breakfast
6:30 am - Anna is standing by the bathroom door waiting for me to clean the boogies out of her eyes
6:40 am - on a nice day walk Anna out to her kennel run and leave for a day at the office

Today I tried to leave the house without cleaning her eyes. I called to her, so I could walk her out to the kennel. She wouldn't move. With a stern voice I said, "Anna, let's go...NOW"
and she would not budge.
As soon as I walked up the steps to get her, she walked in the bathroom and stared at the sink.

Now I know she is just used to the routine, but it made me think.

Don't we all just want someone to wipe our boogies away?

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