Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hey, it's been a while. Just been doing my thing and at the end of the day my thing doesn't seem to leave me much time to talk about that thing I've been doing. :)
So, for the few friends that come out and check just to see if I'm still "kickin" sorry I've neglectful.

The new job has been going great. It keeps me busy, and not only busy but striving to push myself to the next level. Don't get me wrong, I'm exhausted at the end of the day but I like it. Buddy Ray H. said he was going to write this down, it was the first time in years I have "liked" what I was doing. Girls have been understanding about the new changes, but I think in a way, they like having the extra responsibility I have been asking of them. We are all growing. They start a new school in about a week, and both are looking forward to the academic challenges that are ahead of them.

I find myself talking less and listening was bound to happen eventually.

Go check out Bob's Ingishts - he has a way of capturing so much in just a few lines. Always good reading.

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