How to boil a frog...
Wednesday night, Autumn is having her violin lesson, then I will have my cello lesson. It’s turned out to be a beautiful day as far as Minnesota weather goes.
So I thought I would spend 30 minutes sitting in the car and write a little. Sinatra is playing in the background, “It was a very good Year” Almost fitting if one was trying to reflect on the positives of what life brings to you.
However, today I have decided to explore the emotion of disappointment. Just today thought, I will give some other emotion it’s opportunity tomorrow, no fear. On days like today, I ask myself, reflecting on my 36 years of collective experiences, do I know how to gauge the temperature of the water? Putting it another way, is the water safe to swim in or am I just an experiment in boiling a frog?
Concept is, slowly raise the temperature of the water, allowing the frog to get used to it along the way. Then, slowly but surely, you boil the frog to death, without it even knowing it. Of course, if the water was hot to begin with, it would jump out…wouldn’t you?
Today I feel like a frog. Each step of the way, there is a little discomfort, but not enough to get out of the water. Without changing something in the equation, there will be more of the same and eventually it will feel normal or one becomes numb to it all and essentially the frog is no more.
Of course it could just be the day; maybe tomorrow will have me singing praises of come sail away. Without a little rough water where would the boat go?
I’d like to think I have the ability to stand back and see the good with the bad – knowing we need both to understand each. However, today I based my decision to be “content” on the promise of a new opportunity tomorrow.
Even knowing we don’t hold the key to tomorrow, I continue to hedge that bet. So, I’ll give myself a pat on the back today and figure out how to move on tomorrow. After all, that is the beauty of frogs they are really not all that smart.