Monday, December 24, 2007

It's Christmas Eve Don't Cha Know?

Oh yah, ya bet'cha. It's time to break out the green bean casserole, green jello, and any sorta tarter-tot hot dish you can create. Do you remember any of your terms of sociology? Assimilation in particular? Well today I feel very strongly that I have forsaken my Pennsylvania Dutch traditions and become a Midwest Norwegian. As I stood in my kitchen, putting the finishing touches on my Christmas treats for friends, I realized I didn't make a single Whoopie Pie, Moravian Mints, or fastnachts (donuts).

I definitely think I have been in the Midwest too long...Did I mention how cold it is here right now too? Yesterday was the first day this winter when we had that, it's so darn cold you can't breathe weather. I mean, you breathe, and your lungs hurt so damn bad you think you are going to freaking DIE. No, I do not exgerrate - not when it comes to this ugly stinking weather. I mean, the folks that grew up here, that don't know that there are places in this country where you can do outdoor events for hours at a time without 2nd degree frostbite, think it's just fine and tell me I'm silly. However, for my friends and family back home - I kid you not, that really is state of our Winters out here....

So, I will go bundle myself up now and head to Carol's.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. To my friends and family that are so far away, I love you all, and even though we cannot be together in person, I am there in spirit and you are all in my thoughts and Prayers (Derek, Jason, Mom, Will, Sarah, Cheryl, Janeal, Skip, Em, DeAnna, Debbie, Claudette, Clayton, Justin, Peter), For those of you close by, I will see you soon enough to share warm tidings.

God Bless.