Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sleep when your dead

just rambling tonight. Itineraries outlined, details of flights confirmed and every possible weather climate taken into consideration when packing (with the constant of 50 pounds and will you real need that or are you just gold plating) here I sit at 12:26am trying to clear my head so I can get a few hours of sleep before a very long day. No point, the obsessive compulsive tendencies I have are forcing me to make sure I have the house in order, food and supplies in order for Em, Aspen and Autumn, details outlined on the cupboards, and I have all the elements I need to play the jet set lifestyle for 7 days without letting on I am a total phony. If I have to explain the last line, just stop reading now, it's totally not worth it to you - go sit at a truck stop and wait for someone to order eggs over easy, it might be more really, go now.

Can I just say I am so fortunate to have JB - she must have some sixth sense that says, "uh oh, friend in need, send energy their way". Cause she is uncanny. If you haven't seen her blog - go visit it, if for nothing else to look at her picture. Skinny beautiful bith - (yes bitch without the c cause it's a compliment that way in the hood) I truly don't have a clue how I got so fortunate, but I don't care, I'm just going to energy it and try to solve that puzzle at a later date. When I started at Wells, life was totally upside down, I literally dying, or on track for that ending, I was changing everything that made me feel secure in a career, and I hated everything about the new endeavor I has just taken on. The light in all of that was the woman I started with (we call her Jen Jen) and then several months later JB entered the picture were two people I added to the very short list of lifelong keepers. I stand strictly by a formula of fingers and toes for meaningful life decisions.

All the people you really need to get through life can be counted on your fingers and toes. All the things that truly impact who you are can be summed up by events you can count on your fingers and your toes. And last but not least, all of the things you truly need to have in your life to fulfill your destiny can be counted on your fingers and toes. It's not to say you need 10 of those to make it complete, but that we tend to make it all much more complex than we ever need to...

For tonight, I'm going to balance my checkbook, and make sure my 3 girls have snacks for school and cute notes for every day of the week so they all know I love them.

Hold the fort down until i get back.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Enjoy the jet set days, even if it's only 7 ya...Jen