Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fresh Starts

Her comes one so I'm just going to take it as it is. I had the very best week a person could possibly imagine for a vacation. I started the trip off with two friends, and hopes to have something in common with 3 more, and found that I left with 5 kindred spirits that I hope I will have for the rest of my life. I needed last week, and as reality smacked me square in the flipping face Tuesday morning (Monday was pretty unevently maybe because I was so jetlag) but after taking two additonal days to get my "shit" together on the homefront and close a few doors that should have been closed a while ago, I have no choice but to be positive.

Change is good, change is very good.

Here's another random picture for you - BTW, what was ET's real name? I should send him a thank you or something.

Random picture of the day - I love this one:


JB said...

"Entertainment Tonight Baby!"

em said...

If you have to ask what the E was for I'm thinking you might not have been ENTERTAINED!

I miss you honey!