Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday night

Well, another week has gone by and here we are ready to start a new one. Interesting events this week - aren't they all of late? I have had more drama in the last year than I person needs for a lifetime. So much for all my reading about manifesting your destiny - "the secret" and "laws of attraction". I will have to dig a little deeper for the meaning and let you know what I come up with...
My dad and my brother arrived late today from Pa. They are staying for about a week to help me get projects done around the house. I signed the papers on saturday and put the house on the market. It was a melancholy event. Even though I know it needs to be done to get to the life I truly want, it's letting go of something I'm still not sure I'm ready to let go of...
I can't even tell you all of the blessings I need to count this week in the form of loved ones in my life - Bill, Carol, Janeal, Lynette, Patrick, Sue, Jana, my brother Will, Dawn, Drew, so many others in less significant ways but sending me their energy and love nonetheless; all of them helping me and supporting me in one way or another. Will be scheduling a painting party in a couple of weeks to put the finishing touches on the house so hopefully the girls and I can close this chapter fairly quickly and get on to a new one.
Autumn turns 11 on Tuesday. We survived a 12 girl sleepover on saturday and I think even Autumn would admit under duress that she learned a lesson about having too much of a good thing. She was a trooper though, and sucked it up when things got a little hairy and in the end it all turned out ok. Taking words out of her mouth, she would say, she is her mother's daughter. The way I see, that is about the nicest compliment a mom could ever ask for - to have your child see the way you handle difficult situations and value your choices enough to want to model their behavior after yours.
Time to watch the Tutors. It's a good way to turn my brain off for a little while. Look forward to talking with JB tomorrow about the events of the weekend. She helps me step back and put it all into perspective so I can just figure out how to not go crazy from day to day.
Sleep well my loved ones.


JB said...
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JB said...

Ah J Dub.... we must be on the same page again since we both spent the night writing - i'm sure it was a long time comming. I'm ready for Monday and to put things into perspective for you because I need to take my mind off my own issues! He, he.... life is such a trip some times! Love ya - JB