Monday, February 26, 2007

What do you do on a day off?

It's been a good day. A really great day. It really started on Friday, the beginning of my really great Monday. Gosh, if I want to be specific, it started Thursday night. I had such a great night, and it really wasn't the events of the night so much as just the conversation that was had; though it was an all around great night. I can't even put my finger on it, it was just such a real and genuine conversation between me and someone I really didn't think knew the first thing about me.

So setting the stage for Friday nothing was going to ruin my good juju. The day was pretty uneventful. Work was good, work itself is always pretty good. Then I had a meeting with my boss; nothing out of the ordinary, just a weekly powpow. He mentioned one of the other managers thought I got to work from home quite a bit. To his point, try to keep it to a minimum. That was the end of the day friday.

You know, thanks to that little seed, this is the first weekend in almost 3 months I didn't work. I enjoyed the entire weekend and didn't think about work once. Sunday night rolled around and I remembered I had an appointment today I couldn't afford to miss. So I took a 1/2 day. Usually the way it works, when I take a day off, I work until all hours in the night to get everything done and then some.

I didn't do that today.

Instead, I wrote a blog, sent a letter to my Aunt back in Bloomsburg, wrapped my sister's Christmas gift (yes I realize it's February) , wrapped a box for my brother, sent pictures to my daughter in France, who has been sick, made soup for a friend I just found out is expecting (I'm so excited I'm going to be an Aunt), and finished a project that has been waiting for my attention since Thanksgiving.

All this thanks to a comment by someone who was worried I might be enjoying a flexible work schedule a little too much.

So, thanks to "The Man" for reminding me, you can give 100% to work and still call it a day at the end of the day. I'm going to work better at doing this on a regular basis. It was a really great day today.

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