Thursday, October 20, 2011

Remember the 20th of October

Tomorrow you have a chance to do something special. You have the chance to make this day something you will never forget, something you can share with your kids, your grand kids... It might be the topic at a party that everyone gathers around to hear and says, "Really, that is so incredible, good for you."

It sounds great doesn't it? After all, we all really do enjoy the good news much more than the bad news. When we think about the important days in our lives, do you count more famous days, or infamous days? If it's heavy on the latter might I suggest you get busy on changing that, and I will also add, you do not have a moment to spare. The 20th of October gives you the chance to do something absolutely incredible.

Now that I have your attention, here are the details:
Make it wonderful. You decide how.
Yell as loud as you can in the middle of the mall you are HAPPY TO BE ALIVE
Make eye contact with EVERY SINGLE PERSON you interact with today and wish them a wonderful day... FOR THEM TO MAKE IT A WONDERFUL DAY
Tell the person you have had a secret crush on for years that you LOVE THEM, and you can't wait a moment more to tell them
CALL every single person who has touched you in some wonderful way in your life and let them know you still remember that moment or moments - you will make their day and in return they will remember that day.

Sure, maybe you won't exactly remember the specific day 5 years from now, but you will likely remember what the weather was like, the song that playing on the radio right before you *did* whatever it is you decide to do, and I promise you, when you are having a bad day, you will remember how wonderful, scared, and energized you were when you did it.

Don't miss this opportunity to make October 20th exceptional.

Monday, February 7, 2011

2011 already

Hello all! I know it has been months since you have seen or heard from me. I'm still here, just consumed with other things of late. You are like that old friend that you just don't get to see as much of as you did once upon a time but still have every desire to keep around. About the time you think you will pick up the phone and make that call, something else pops up and you promise yourself you will do it soon.

I'm sorry old friend(s). I'm as guilty as the next. So my visit today is to share what's going on and where I think I'm headed. In July of 2010 I took a different position with my current company. It was the right time to do it, and the learning opportunity I needed. Since then, I've met some wonderful professional people, been asked to write a book on project management, gained frequent flyer status on too many airlines, let my personal life completely fall apart, become an aunt, and a started to lose sight of the people and things that matter most to me. All and all, I would say it's been a busy few months.

On the horizon I have the professional opportunity of a lifetime almost within my reach. I almost fear to say it out loud, as it seems to good to be true. Along this same line, this opportunity would take back to Pennsylvania and take some of worry off of my mind that has been consuming me with my father and mother. It's strange how therapeutic my visit to Pa was last year. I know there are many things about my family I cannot change, and in general they can do little to shape the person I have become but there are so many things I can do to fine tune the relationships that have been in place for so many years.

My heart really wants to be in Arizona right now, for reasons I cannot not logically explain. However, it would appear it's not my time for that just yet. So in the meantime I will do everything I can to see more of Janeal and plan for my future down there whenver that may be...

As I look to going home, I have also found my daughters embracing this decision as I never could have imagined. They are looking forward to it but if you ask them why, they will say they don't know why... possibly another sign this is just the way it is suppose to be.

So, I will keep you posted old friend. Hope you are surviving the winter.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Time Heals

My High School Reunion is coming up. I'm actually looking forward to it. I went to school in a very small town in North-eastern Pennsylvania. I actually changes schools my senior year and graduated with a group of people I really didn't know all that well. The reunion I speak of here, is the school I grew up with but did not graduate from.

I'm not going to tell you I loved HS. I didn't....I actually missed so much school that I was threatened a few times by the principle that they were going to hold me back. Not to mention I had detention pretty much everyday I did attend school because of missing so much school. Academically I did fine; A/B student. Not really motivated, but not struggling either.

Socially I was somewhere in the middle - if you read my first blog, I think it pretty much sums it up. Just like most of the teenage population (then and today )I struggled with fitting it, knowing who I was, and what the world was all about. As time goes on I think we become more comfortable with it, but it may be safe to say we all have those times in our life when we feel like we are in HS all over again.

A couple of weeks back, the coordinator of the reunion sent a note to everyone on Facebook. It was a standard, we are having a reunion party. The surprising part came when a girl from my class that was someone on the "outskirts" replied to the invite saying, "Why would I come when nobody ever made me feel welcome when I was there". I read it, and I knew she was right, but it also made me so very sad. That something so long again (20 years) still has such a strong impact on how she feels today.

I had to reply to all. My reply was something along the lines of "have a little faith. Sometimes people change and you may not know it, but there are people who would like to know how you are doing today." Nothing out of the ordinary for me I don't think. I hope that is the way I generally approach things, give it a try, you just never know.

What has really surprised me, is that today, another person from our class responded and said, he felt somewhat the same way as the girl from our class; was sure many felt that way, and that my response may have encouraged many to come forward. To that, I was very surprised and pleased. It made my day to be honest. I know, that even those little things we do can impact others.

In honor of that email, I would like to re-post my Life Explained by Automata Theory

Let me start by saying I'm a junky. I'm hooked on theory.. I don't think you would know it to look at me. I think I hide my passions pretty well. It's a trained response, Pavlov's dog had nothing on me. Besides, isn't that what junkies do after all, or at least attempt to in and still get their fix? Who's to judge?Setting the stage, can you relate:

Childhood: As a little girl in the '70s, growing up in a small rural community, the underlying message delivered by society, was grow up pretty, find a nice man to marry and have babies. Nobody explained what you should do with all the questions rattling around in your head, and how to find a way to come to some equilibrium with the need for more information and a content life. Can you really zero it all out? I can't tell you how many times I prayed to be theoretically "FAT, DUMB, and HAPPY" . Unfortunately, it just never seemed to fit into any of the formulas presented to me. Let's just keep trying, shall we?

Adolescent: Follow the norm, want what everyone else wants. The system works so don't try to fix it. I definitely wasn't the prettiest girl in school, wasn't the smartest, wasn't the most talented, I wasn't even the most unique. I was someplace in the middle; on the bell curve I was absolutely part of normal distribution. I was extremely NORMAL to the passer by. Maybe I finally found an algorithm that works. Let's continue to do stress testing. Set the goal at 100 years.

Young Adulthood: Against the recommendation of the one person, who, to date, has truly understood I will no more fit into Normal Distribution than Infinity divided by INDIVIDUAL LIFE has Finite meaning, I married and started on my path to a socially acceptable life. Two beautiful babies later, I wouldn't change that experience for anything. Algorithm still seems to hold. Everything is within statistical control. Perfect!

30 Something: Is it about starting over, or building on what we know? The older I get the less I know. One of many definitions of Automata Theory: The mathematical study of machines and their capabilities for solving problems by means of algorithms. That pretty much sums up the population to me, wouldn't you agree? At some point in each and every life, we ask ourselves is this the right path, or do we? And if we don't ask ourselves such questions, are we really any different then a machine? Just applying the rules and conditions to move us from one state of being to another.
"If the computation of an automaton reaches an accepting configuration it accepts that input. At each stage of the computation, a transition function determines the next configuration on the basis of a finite portion of the present configuration. "; David Weir 2000.

Seems pretty straight forward to me. Each of us trying to find the abstract algorithm that works for each of us, knowing that our realities intersect with others, if we so let them. As we parse it all together, it's not a one size fits all model; we try to take what we have learned from others, from our own attempts to make it "work" and we continue to move forward. For sake of society, because quitting isn't a logical option, feeling deep down this all fits into the puzzle of the universe somehow, that each of us has meaning and our time here, though maybe a blip on the calendar of Eternity is significant.

After small deviation in the form of a life lived exactly as the creator intended can create a whole new outcome that we can all benefit from. So, change it up will you, time to make your own math.;- )

Monday, July 5, 2010

Where does the Time go?

Happy Independence Day everyone! I realize it was yesterday, but since today is the day we get to observe it I figure I still have ok timing. For those who work in corporate America like me, we don't get many paid holidays (I get 5 total) so you absolutely want to acknowledge the ones you get. :) Hoping everyone got to do lots of their favor things, whatever that may be.

My "roomie" Carol and her husband Bill got to take in fireworks from around the Twin-cities atop a swanky high-rise in the heart of the city. Dawn and Bill welcomed a new baby girl Hana Jane on Friday and more than likely were just getting home from the hospital yesterday. My girls back in Pa more than likely got to see the local Bloomsburg natives in all their splendor at the little town park and maybe eat a hot dog or two. Haven't heard from many others just yet, since I pretty much slept soundly through the night and into early afternoon. I had a hard two days of sailing and was ready for sleep!

For my FB friends, I put "sunburn, wet, sleep deprived, and have never worked my abs so long or hard in my life, and I had an amazing time" Once I got to Carol's and unpacked all the wet stuff, I headed right for bed. I would generally feel guilty about letting the day (holiday that is) slip me by but I've been running on reserve for about a week now. The week started off with a big beneficiary transition at work so I did a 30 hour stretch. That was followed by a couple of back and fourths on the baby front with Dawn. Finally after meeting the baby, I packed and was up bright and early to head out for the racing. We didn't plan ahead on sleeping arrangement this past weekend, so I don't think I have to tell you that every place in town (reminder it is a lake town) was booked for 4th of July. We did eventually find a neighboring boat to sleep on but it was late, conversation carried on even later, and morning came very quickly. I think I averaged about 4 hours sleep each day this past week.

Adding to the spinning going on, my mother called yesterday to tell me my dad had a stroke and was in the hospital. It has been impossible for me to get the real details of what is going on and how he is doing. I've called my brother to try to get the details... no answers.... the hospital can't tell me much over the mom, well my mom is a train-wreck on so many levels that talking to her only makes situations worse. I would like to know if I should be heading back to Pa to help out, if I can be of any help, or if things are under control and there is a plan in place to get him the help he needs. Between all the other thoughts in my head I'm trying to figure out what I should do on that front.

Guess my point to that rambling is I feel I earned the right to sleep through this 4th of July. Someone out there tell me you like your sleep as much as I do, please. Today has turned out to be another rainy day. Not minding it at all, means I can't feel terrible about not being outside. Heading to the gym for some social time with Jan and my trainer if we can swing it and then I get to head back into the office grind again tomorrow. I just don't know why it is the time goes so quickly when you are keeping track of it....

Before much time (end of this week I think) the girls will be home from Pa and it of course would be nice to have a home for them to come back to. All in good time right? I know until we get that figured out Carol will have that covered for us and the girls do love her cooking. What really does make a house a home anyways?

Ok heading out to sweat off the fat hiding my awesome abs :D and wait for the comments from Asian porn crew to come rolling in. Bob, so happy when I see one come from you. Otherwise I would feel like the only purpose of my blogging is so some pimp-daddy in Japan has a shot at getting a his links distributed. I'll give them this, they sure are consistent. They clearly have more time than the we do :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Remember the sunblock.

Well, I'm staying in Minnesota... at least for another year or four. Having to come to terms with being here required me to find somethings that make me appreciate what Minnesota might have to offer me. It's very true, put out a vibe and that energy will be returned to you.

Now, you don't have to believe me, you just have to believe in your own "system" and see what that does for you. So back to me now - I have been complaining for years, "Back in PA I grew up always having a lake in my backyard or access to one to be able to sail. Here in MN, the land of 10,000+ lakes and I can't even afford to sail." Well, I said, the hell with this - if it's not meant to be, it's not. Just as I said that, I get a call from a long lost acquaintance asking me if I wanted to be part of his sailing team. No kidding. The day before the home phone was disconnect he called. It was the fates stepping me.

So, our first race in next weekend, 4th of July on Lake Pepin. We practiced yesterday and I was so caught up in getting familiar with the process and my legs about me that I totally forgot about the darn sun. Well, for those of you who have never seen me I'm a pale, blue eyed redhead. I do not get along with the sun. I love it, but alas, it does not return my love.

Today I look like Rudolph with my red nose. It hurts but worth it; I'll let you know if I still feel that way tomorrow. Obviously I could have avoided the situation - I should have planned on being out there much longer than 3 - 4 hours with the amazing wind we were having. I didn't.... so burn is what I get. I'll do better next time. Hope you are enjoying the sun safely on your end.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Writing today has two purposes. First is relative to my own perspective. I've had almost one week of rest and obligation free living. What I mean by that is, a week ago Monday I sold my house after over a year on the market and much pain and suffering to me and the girls. All of our belongings have been packed up and put into storage. The girls also left last Thursday for their annual pilgrimage to the East Coast to visit our family. Not having a home or many things to tend to can be a very freeing feeling. It can also cause a person of the "type A" personality to over think what is next...

Doing what I can to remind myself I now have a clean page to write on is forcing me to look at everything in a new perspective. Yes, this is good. However, it is also difficult. I don't think many people could say at the middle of their lives (and yes I am at the middle of my life) they can easily change all of their thought processes and behaviors and try something new. I do welcome it, but I'm struggling with how to embrace it all the same. Rest is what my soul needs right now. Thank goodness I have Carol (and Bill) to help make that happen. I can honestly say, I have felt more loved and a sense of family in the last two weeks than I have since my grandmother passed away 14 years ago.

The other Rest I speak of is as an onlooker. Someone very dear to me is struggling with sleep issues. I wish it was as easy as taking a pill so my friend's body could get the rest it needs but I know it's something much more than meets the eye. When I look very closely I can see the pain (the lack of rest) and it causes me pain that I am helpless to do anything about it. There is so much truth in the saying the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Once upon a time I used to pray to have the insight to better understand others. I'm not sure when it happened, but looking upon the face of my loved one, I know I understand so much better than I prayed for what is going on that the rest of the world doesn't see.

As my day draws to an end, I look forward to sleep, and another day ahead of me. I also can't wait to see how many Asian porn comments I have to reject on this posting, but that too gives me a topic of conversation for another day.

Rest well my friends.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to motivate a teen

To all you parents out there who want to get your teen off the sofa or away from the computer for longer than a bathroom break or run to the Super America I think I have found a solution.
The great American yard sale, tag sale, garage sale, or rummage sale depending on what part of the country you live in.

My point is, you get to kill two birds with one stone the way I see it. Lighten the load, clean out the closets and have your kid actual do something constructive with their extra time.

So we are getting ready to move. After 8 years in the same house we have acquired quite a bit of "stuff". To make matters worse, we are not sure if our next move is going to be be down the street or to another state so we are really trying be as lean as possible. When I started looking around at the amount of stuff we needed to pack up I started to feel a little overwhelmed. So I said, I'll just get a dumpster and toss it. My daughter quickly spoke up and said, "No wait, why can't we just sell it?"
This is how the conversation then developed:

me: "Great, have at it, but don't expect me to help and don't think I'm going to let this linger for weeks. We have exactly 4 weeks before closing so you have 2 to figure it out"

eager teen: "Well, does that mean any of the money I make from it I get to keep?"

me: "Absolutely, as long as you don't ask me for money to get you supplies and you don't create more mess in the process you can keep it all"

really eager teen: "So could I do it this weekend? What do I need to do to get ready for it?"

me: "This weekend would be a bit aggressive unless you really think you can work on it every night and get a plan in place by Wednesday, along with ads in the paper and craigslist. Don't forget you are going to need some help and I would target a Thursday morning through Saturday if I were you. You know this also means you have to clean the garage... I'm not helping you with that either"

concerned but money hungry teen: "ok, if you tell me what to do I'll do it. I can get help. Really I can keep ALL of the money I make?"

me: "All yours. Get to it"

I haven't seem much of her since Sunday when we had that conversation. I know that we have most of the little things in the house packed and it's actually starting to look like we are moving...

I'm not seeing a down side to any of this.